About Tokolino

The question that's always been hardest for me to answer on any job application, school "get to know you" sheet, or just meeting anyone in the wild has always been; What do you like to do in your free time? Because the only thing that ever came to mind for me never seemed like a valuable hobby- Shopping. You could say I'm like the Bubba Gump of shopping. I like online shopping, in-store shopping, thrift shopping, vintage shopping. I like going to someone's house and shopping through their closet. They only shopping I don't like that much is shop lifting.

In high school, I would save up my babysitting money just to go shopping the weekend with my friends. (Forever 21 hit differently back in the 2010's). And I know I'm not alone, we are definitely not a minority. I once heard that since we no longer have to hunt/gather food like our ancestors did, we now turn to finding the hidden $14.99 gems at TJ Maxx and Homegoods to satiate that "need".

So in an effort to stop shopping, I'm going to turn my passion into a job so I'll end up hating it! I'm going to save soooo much money (this is a joke, if I ever stop shopping send help. It would be my SOS in the event I've been kidnapped.)

So back to turning my hobby into dolla dolla bills, y'all. I've loved thrifting before it was even cool (subtle flex), but I do love buying new things as well. I think that it is SO feasible to shop current trends at the thrift, but sometimes it's so convient to buy something new that is readily available in your perfect size, and not have to dig through a ton of frogs to find your thrift Prince.
